Will Hart

Will Hart - Sunday November 11, 2018
Will Hart of Iris Global

In 1999 Will walked into the basement of a church not knowing why he was there. That night the Holy Spirit reached out and grabbed him by the heart and he was never the same. Since then Will and his wife Musy have traveled and ministered with Bob Bradbury, Randy Clark and Rolland and Heidi Baker. Will's call is to take the simplicity of the gospel and power of the Holy Spirit wherever he goes. Whether it is the jungles of Congo or the streets of Thailand, he is expectant and confident in the Holy Spirit showing up in power. 

In 2016, Heidi & Rolland Baker asked Will to take over as Iris Global's Chief Operating Officer. Now, in addition to traveling the globe speaking as an itinerant, he operationally runs Iris Global. 
