Conquest Men's Ministry Heartland Church-Heartland Church - Ankeny, IA

Our mission is to get outside of the four walls of the church to see the kingdom of God made manifest in a region. We want to see cities transformed by the power of God through vessels of honor to bring glory to our King. We do not only want to be about a visitation from the Lord, but to truly carry the glory of God in habitation.

In the Old Testament God called men to take back the territory that the enemy was possessing. It is very clear that to take back a city at that time, men had to fight at the city gate.

In this hour, God is raising men who have an understanding of who they are and the authority given to them in Christ Jesus to battle at the city gate and take back a region for God. We understand that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers in the heavenly places (Eph 6:12).

We know that we battle from a place of victory because we are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Eph 2:6).

We will walk in the understanding of our inheritance (Eph 1:3) and release every spiritual blessing from heaven upon the earth. This is Conquest. This is who we are!

Every Man A Warrior is a discipleship Bible study that helps men succeed in life. We'll talk about the battles that men fight every day and how God has solutions for us. We'll learn how to apply Biblical truth in the areas of: money, marri…

Every Man A Warrior is a discipleship Bible study that helps men succeed in life. We'll talk about the battles that men fight every day and how God has solutions for us. We'll learn how to apply Biblical truth in the areas of: money, marriage, raising children, sex, work, hard times and how to make our lives count. (See video below.)