Christianity is not a solo act. While we often speak of our "personal" relationship with God, we must not ignore the necessity of our "corporate" relationship with God. Although that phrase may sound strange, the Bible is clear that much of what the Lord longs to give to His people only comes through the avenue of relationship with other believers. God intentionally created us to be interdependent.
That interdependence cannot be fostered in a church service. This is why Heartland has Life Groups. The groups are patterned after the Acts 2 model used by the early church: "The believers devoted themselves to the apostle's teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer." Life Groups consist of 10-15 people who meet in a host home for food, fellowship, teaching, discussion and prayer.
If you call Heartland your home, we want to invite you to join one of our Life Groups - this is your opportunity to go deeper with God by going deeper in relationship with His people. Please review the groups described below and then follow the link to the signup form.
Life Group Leaders
Ivan & Julia Kritskiy
Location/time: Indianola, 2nd & 4th Fridays at 6 PM
Children Welcome
Hi, we're the Kritskiys! We've been married for almost 12 years and have two kiddos. Ivan enjoys all the hobbies like fishing, hunting, hiking, kayaking (and many more). Julia enjoys a good cup of coffee while reading her Bible and spending time outside. She values deep conversations with friends and time spent with the Lord.
We cannot wait to grow in relationship with other Heartland family members as we break bread, fellowship, and deepen our understanding of the word.
Drew & Megan Angotti
Location/Time: Ankeny, 2nd and 4th Fridays from 6-8 PM
Children Welcome
We have been married for 5 years and have a handsome little boy named Zion! We’re intentional about spending time together as a family. We love Jesus and are passionate about doing life with others, building connections, and encouraging others to encounter God in fresh ways. We look forward to studying the Word, praying together, and seeing God move this year!
Cole & Deb McGowan
Location/Time: Huxley, 2nd & 4th Sunday, 1:00pm
No Children
We’ve been married for 36 years and are blessed with four adult children and four grandchildren. Coming from SE Kansas to Iowa, we have grown spiritually with Heartland and are blessed to be a part of a church family. We feel blessed to take our testimony, faith, and salvation to our workplace, and at times, even to the street.
We welcome you to join us for fellowship, food, and time in the Lord!
Tom & Kate McGovern
Location/Time: Ankeny, 1st and 3rd Thursdays 6-8PM
No Children
We both have a great love of the word of God and doing life together. Fellowship, encouraging, study & prayer brings great joy!
Psalm 119:107 says, “revive me Oh Lord, according to your word.” We know that God’s Word shared, meditated in, prayed out, declared, worshiped & praised unto Jesus, causes us to live the abundant life and bear great fruit for the Kingdom!
Kirk & Vicki Stamper
Location/Time: Nevada, 1st & 3rd Thursday at 6:30 PM
No Children
We met back in high school and have been happily married for 39 years. Along the way, we've been blessed with two married children and five wonderful grandchildren. We both accepted Christ at a young age—Kirk at 16 and Vicki at 5—and have been serving the Lord ever since. Over the past 23 years, we've been involved in various ministries, including worship, teaching and leading Bible studies, children's church, and youth group.
We would love to encourage you in your Christian walk and dive into God's word together as we navigate this crazy world. We firmly believe that life is so much better with the love and support of fellow believers.
We hope you'll join us for food, fellowship, and fun as we grow closer to the Lord and to each other.
Patrick & Suzy Oben
Location/Time: Ankeny, 1st and 3rd Fridays at 6PM
Children Welcome
Both born and raised in Cameroon, Central Africa, we have been married for nine years and are blessed with three daughters, now 7, 5, and 4. Patrick has been living in the US since 2009, and Suzy studied in London before moving to the US in 2015. Suzy is a full-time mom, while Patrick works as a physician. We enjoy living in Iowa, though January and February winters often prompt us to ask the Lord many questions!
Patrick enjoys writing and playing ping pong, while Suzy excels in cooking, organizing and administering events, as well as going to the gym.
Being part of the Heartland family has been a treasure and blessing for us. We love the Lord, love digging deep into His Word, and watching His Spirit move.
Whether in the seriousness of the Spirit or simply trying different dishes and having fun together, we eagerly look forward to meeting you!
John & Rebecca Sipley
Location/Time: Norwalk, 1st and 3rd Sundays from 5-7 PM
Children welcome
We have been married for 42 years, and have 3 adult children and a godson and goddaughter with 3 god grandchildren. John is retired from computer IT support and a television video and audio career and presently on the audio team at Heartland. Rebecca is a project manager for a technology company.
John enjoys photography, reading, Scripture study, tech gadgets and unique light features. Rebecca enjoys reading, Scripture study, sewing garments and a new hobby of collage quilting.
The Kingdom of God advances through relationships and connections! We look forward to opening our home and gathering with a group of Kingdom builders! We will learn and grow together, encourage and challenge one another, laugh and eat good food! Come and join us!
Dan & Monica Robeson
Location/Time: Maxwell, 1st & 3rd Thursdays 6:30-8PM
No Children
We have been married for over 30 years and have been blessed with seven children and six grandchildren, and looking forward to many more! The Lord moved us to an acreage in the Maxwell area 27 years ago, where we have enjoyed raising our children. We are newer to Heartland, and we’re grateful to be here. We believe that real-life connections are essential for encouragement as we hear from the Lord daily and apply the teachings we receive each week. We would love to walk with others in making those connections!
Ron & Le Ann Van Wyngarden
Location/Time: Johnston, 1st & 3rd Sundays 12:30-2:30
No Children
We’ve been married 13 years, and we’re blessed with 3 married kids and 6 grandchildren - we really enjoy pickleball, biking, walking and hanging out with our grandkids.
The more we read and study the Bible, the more serious we take each part! We’d love for you to join us in that exciting process.
Jason & Sarah Balk
Location/Time: Ankeny, 2nd & 4th Sundays 4PM
Children Welcome
We’ve been married for just over 4 years and have a beautiful little girl named Katiya. Our love for Heartland stems from the family that we have gained over the last couple years and the ability to grow and be challenged by the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Our hunger for the word is something that we want to share with everyone the Lord brings to us. What you can expect to get from our group is a place to belong, open up, learn, and express everything you are in Christ Jesus. Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another”. Gods word has been and and continues to be the biggest encouragement in the life of our family and we want to see it happen in yours also. We love because he first loved us!
Steve & Karinne Miller
Location/Time: West Des Moines, 2nd & 4th Sundays 5-7PM
Children Welcome
We have been married over 12 years with a wonderful blended family of 5 adult children, 1 son-in-law, several "pet-grandchildren" and our older cat Angel. Steve has extensive experience in the banking industry and real estate. Karinne has been called a "spiritual nurse and missionary" by her family and friends because of her quick obedience to the Lord for those in times of need. We are thankful for the calling God has placed in our hearts together for ministry and serving in the the Kingdom. We enjoy hunting, fishing, travel, cooking & coffee.
We value the Word of God and the Leadership of the Holy Spirit. We know how important it is for connection and building relationships. Our hearts desire is for people to know the Father and experience Him. We invite you to join our Life-group, so we can share a meal, study the Word of God, pray, and grow closer to the Lord and to one-another in a safe-loving atmosphere.
Tiffany & Nicole Wuertzer
Location and time: Ankeny, 1st and 3rd Sundays 12:30 PM
Children 12 and over welcome
We are sisters in our mid 30’s who have chose to call Heartland our Home Church earlier this year. We moved to the Des Moines area from different locations to help with a Church plant and once that chapter ended, found ourselves looking for a new Church home! We were born and raised by our amazing, Spirit filled, Bible believing parents, along with our older sister who is now married and has our two nieces, and also with our younger brother who is married to our awesome sister-in-law. We are newly relocating to a home in Ankeny and are blessed to be surrounded by this Church community and ready and willing to open our home up to the Church!
We have very different personalities. Nicole is methodical, merciful, and a great listener. Tiffany is outgoing/energetic, talkative, and loves to encourage others. Both bring a unique dynamic to this group, to be used however God wills. We are blessed to be able to provide a space to grow together as a Church community!
Terry & Liz Johnson
Location/Time: Ankeny, 2nd & 4th Sundays1 PM
No children
We have 4 grown daughters, 8 grandchildren, and 5 great grandchildren.
Terry loves fishing, hunting, and travel - Liz loves getting together with people - Terry says she has a coffee ministry!
Kingdom life cannot be done alone!
Enrique & Holly Peña
Location/Time: Winterset, 1st & 3rd Sundays from 5-7 PM
Children Welcome
We live in rural Madison County, near Winterset on an acreage, where we raised our three children for the past 25 years - we are now officially empty nesters.
We can’t wait to be able to connect with others through these Life Groups. I think it’s wonderful to have more time for closer personal relationships with other Heartland people! We look forward to new friends through these groups.
Gary & Marlene Aspenson
Location/Time: Pleasant Hill, 1st & 3rd Thursdays at 6:30PM.
Children welcome
We moved down to the metro area 3 1/2 years ago to be closer to family. Gary enjoys golfing and playing with the grandkids, and Marlene love getting together with friends that like to “iron sharpen iron”, (Prov. 27:17) Prov. 3 verse 5 and 6 is a key verse for Gary as we can not fight our battles alone - we need Holy Spirit’s help and direction. Marlene’s focus lately has been on Phinehas in Numbers. ‘Because he was zealous for his God.’
Ben & Hannah Sander
Location/Time: Saylor township, 1st and 3rd Monday, 6:30-8pm.
Children welcome
Hi, we’re the Sanders! We have 2 little girls, and we’re passionate about worship, family building, and really good bread. We moved to the area a few years ago are so excited to put work into building the family of God. We’re convinced that the healthy church is the people that truly know each other, and know how to show up with love and intention. This is how we do it!
Jan & Steve Haag
Co-Leading with Gene & Karen McGrath
Location/Time: Ankeny/Johnston, 2nd & 4th Sunday after church
No Children
We have been married for 40+ years, and are blessed with 4 kids and 9 grandkids. We’re interested in the state of our nation, truth, justice and theology! We pray for each other and take decreeing from the Word of God very seriously. We have all types of appetites so we bring our own lunches, enjoy the fellowship and pray. We stay connected by text mostly during the rest of the week because the Kingdom of God is built on family.