Leanne Goff
Leanne Goff is a catalytic leader. A pastor, author, and international speaker, Leanne is a power-packed minister on the subject of identity and destiny, as well as cultural transformation. She delivers her message of transformation with relevance, wit, and intensity. She has been personally trained as a 7-Mountain Consultant by Lance Wallnau. Leanne is an ordained minister through Randy Clark's Apostolic Network (ANGA), and is also associated with the Global Legacy Network at Bethel Church in Redding, CA.
Leanne and her husband, Ray, have been married for 45 years, have 2 children and 6 grandchildren. In 1984, Leanne and Ray joined Youth With A Mission and served with YWAM in various countries for several years. They also ministered ten years with Teen Challenge in Iowa, Nebraska, and Tennessee.
In December 2007, Leanne became the Personal Assistant and Executive Administrator to Leif Hetland, Founder and President of Global Mission Awareness. Shortly after joining Leif and GMA, she became a spiritual daughter to Leif. Leif has been incredibly instrumental in equipping Leanne for what she was destined for.
Leanne is the Founder and President of Leanne Goff Ministries (LGM). LGM hosts various conferences throughout the world. LGM also leads countless ministry teams to the nations. One such nation that is strongly upon the heart of Leanne is Cuba. She has traveled to Cuba more than 50 times since 2004. Leanne and her spiritual son, Josue’ Santiago, have established an impactful ministry base under LGM in Cuba. They are witnessing a glorious Kingdom Family Movement in this beautiful nation where thousands are transformed by the love and power of God. Leanne has traveled to 34 other nations, such as Pakistan, Sir Lanka, the Philippines, and Venezuela, as well as across the United States, carrying the message of Kingdom, Identity, and Destiny.
Leanne's main message is a Kingdom message of re-presenting Father God as a good, good Father. He is a Father that does not tolerate us, but celebrates His beloved sons and daughters. Leanne Goff Ministries is a ministry dedicated to hosting International Ministry Teams to many nations, as well as conferences around the world.
In August 2014, Leanne became the Senior Pastor of Family of Faith Community Church in Newark, OH, and presently serves as Lead Pastor. One of Leanne's greatest passions is to equip and empower God's people to know their identity, fulfill their destiny, and complete the assignment God has commissioned them to!
Leanne holds several titles, but more than anything else, Leanne's desire to be known as "A Little Girl with a Big Daddy."
For more information on Leanne and her ministry, please visit leannegoffministries.org.