Fire Starters, it's time to pack your bags for camp 2022 (AKA the best time of year)!
If you've never been to Fire Starters camp before, just ask a friend for one of those crazy camp stories, they don't disappoint! There's nothing like a week of time set aside to deepen your relationship with God, refocus your year, and make unforgettable memories.
Get ready! This year’s activities will include zorb balls, archery tag, organized games (capture the flag, water volleyball, battleship, water kickball), lake time, inflatable joust, blacklight dodgeball, small groups, worship times, bonfire testimonies, teachings and activation times where we are intentionally activating your spiritual gifts and responding to what God speaks in worship.
Early bird discount ends June 26th, and after July 17th there is a late registration fee. Sign up now to get the best price! Registration will end on July 24th.