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Foundations Of Personal Prophecy

  • Heartland Church 1212 NW 36th Street Ankeny, Iowa 50023 (map)

Scripture says we are to "earnestly pursue spiritual gifts but especially the gift of prophecy".
It goes on to explain that prophecy "comforts, exhorts, and encourages the body of Christ and is a powerful tool to build up the church". (1 Corinthians 14, my paraphrase). We have found this to be true and love the powerful gift of prophecy! Come and join us in the 4th of 4 trainings in Heartland's Personal Ministry Certification as we lay the biblical foundation for the gift of prophecy as well as learn practical insights into more effectively hearing God's voice as we minister! These courses are designed to be both informational as well as practical and will include both teaching and hands-on ministry at each session.

These classes are open to everyone to come and learn! Also, If you have had any interest in joining the Altar Ministry Team it is a requirement to take part in all four trainings. We hope you can make it to all four trainings, but if you can't, don't let that stop you from coming to the ones you can attend.

Capacity is limited, so please only sign up if you plan to attend both sessions, so as not to take the opportunity from someone else.

Additional trainings include Foundations of Personal Ministry, Ministering Physical Healing, and Ministering Emotional Healing and Deliverance.

Please note, registration includes your permission to be recorded on video for the duration of the class.

Earlier Event: February 15
Hockey Night With The Guys