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Heartland's On-Ramp

  • Heartland Church 1212 NW 36th Street Ankeny, Iowa 50023 (map)

Heartland's On-Ramp is your next step to connecting to all God is doing at Heartland Church. 

In this class, we will:

 - Dive into the history of Heartland Church and the culture and values that make us who we are. 

 - Spend time exploring your personal gifts and makeup.

 - Help you discover where you can serve and get more plugged in to the family of Heartland.

Registration is required, so sign up today and we'll see you Sundays: March 30, April 6, and April 13! Classes will be at 1:00 in the Upper Sanctuary.

This course is required to become a partner at Heartland.

Earlier Event: March 28
SingleLife Gathering
Later Event: April 5
Breakfast With The Guys